19 November 2013

On November 19, 2013 Zavkidjon Zavkiev - Head of Secretariat of the Consultative Council on Improvement of Investment Climate under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan had a meeting with Christopher Miller - Head of the Representation Office of International Finance Corporation in Tajikistan.

The three main issues were discussed during this meeting:

1. Preparation for the 12th Session of the Consultative Council;

2. The support of development partners for implementation of draft Action Plan on Improvement of Investment Climate in Tourism Sphere;

3. Discussion of draft Action Plan of Governmanet of the Republic of Tajikistan on improvement of Republic of Tajikistan’s indicators in “Doing Business” World Bank Report.

According to the first issue, Head of Secretariat of the Consultative Council Zavkidjon Zavkiev informed IFC Representative in Tajikistan that the Secretariat prepared the necessary materials and the next Session of the Consultative Council on Improvement of Investment Climate will be held in the coming months.

According to the second issue, Zavkidjon Zavkiev informed that the working group on improvement of investment climate in tourism sphere finished his activity, developed and submitted an analytical paper “Model of Improvement of Tourism Sphere in Tajikistan: analyses and recommendations” with 49 reccomendations on base of this prepared an Action Plan on Improvement of Investment Climate in Tourism Sphere and will be submitted to the next Session of the Consultative Council. The IFC Representative estimated the Secretariat’s activity very good and to the request of Zavkidjon Zavkiev mentioned that the development partners will contribute in implementation of Action Plan.

According to the third issue, Head of Secretariat Zavkidjon Zavkiev stressed that the draft Action Plan of the Governmant of the Republic of Tajikistan on improvement of the Republic of Tajikistan’s indicators in the “Doing Business” Report of World Bank Group was submitted by Secretariat of the Consultative Council. IFC Representative thanked and outlined that their specialist in this sphere are in country and she is ready to contribute on preparing of final version of Action Plan of the Government of the Republic Tajikistan on Improvement of Tajikistan’s Indicators in the Doing Business Report of World Bank Group.

Counterparts agreed to continue their fruitful cooperation in these areas.

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