Tajikistan has strengthened its position in the Doing Business Report 2018 of the World Bank Group by climbing 5 positions and reaching 123 spot in the ranking. The distance to frontier, which indicates the measure of world best practice, is now 56, 86%.
It is worth noting that the improvement of in the ranking was largely based on the improvement of the number of indicators, including "Starting a Business" improvement by 28 positions, "Dealing with Construction Permits" up by 26 positions, "Getting Electricity" up two positions, "Registering Property" up 7 positions, "Paying Taxes" up 8 positions, "Trading cross Borders" up 3 positions, and "Enforcing Contracts" has been provided. This progress is a result of the work of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the effective implementation of reforms to simplify the state regulation of business and investment in the country.
At the same time, it should be noted that the in “Getting Credit" and "Protecting Minority Investors" indicators the position of the country decreased by 4 and 6 positions respectively, mainly due to the current financial crisis in the country.
It should be emphasized that, as a result of regular and timely follow-up and implementation of reforms on entrepreneurship development and improvement of investment climate in the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Tajikistan has been continuously improving its position. In particular, the country has been among top 10 leading reformers in the World Bank report three times in 2010, 2011 and 2015. Tajikistan ranking improved by 34 positions in 2016 (from 166 to 132) and reached 128th position in 2017.